After the worst of a long series of well-meaning but destructive deeds, an anthropomorphized creature protagonist is shunned by his community. He enters into a series of adventures in the pursuit of a seemingly impossible task to prove his worth. During this pursuit the protagonist meets a rival and, to the former’s surprise, they have more in common than not. Working together, they defeat a large, faceless, and unbeatable enemy. In the process, the two overcome the protagonist’s flaw, but in a slightly unexpected way. By so doing, the protagonist returns to the original group, and all learn an important lesson about inclusion, family, or community.
published June 27, 2008
Oh man. Where can I spend nine bucks to see this (again)?
Krystian Majewski
Not true for The Incredibles, Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo, but fun nevertheless ^_^
Ian Bogost
Oh, Monsters Inc. follows the formula exactly, it just splits the protagonist in two. Same with Finding Nemo. The Incredibles are “really” human, but we can just consider that case at the edge of anthropomorphism, since they’re superheros.
Abbey Bogost
Another good example (from what little can be gleaned from the trailer) seems to be the forthcoming film adaptation of Newberry Award winning children’s book The Tale of Despereaux. The book is charming, unexpected, profound… Yes, it does feature that old standby, the “unlikely hero”, but it does a remarkable job of exploring light and dark, the characters we would like to be redeemed vs the ones who actually are…
And yet, the trailer presents a movie that I recognize as Despereaux based solely on the title screen. Otherwise, it looks like every other (computer!) animated movie of the last ten years. His differences from his community are changed, made into a weak argument for “being oneself” and perhaps “being brave”… But none of the real argument for virtue and self-sacrifice that so touched me in the book.
My frustration grows.
But listen to the audiobook. It’s beautiful.
License Farm
I take it someone has watched “Kung Fu Panda” lately. 😀