First, behold the lovely picture my daughter (age 7) gave me today. It’s nice to see that existential angst runs in the family.

Second, behold how the Mac OS X built-in thesaurus handles “existentialism.” Apt, isn’t it?

published June 26, 2009


  1. SnakeLinkSonic

    Did she ever pick a drink?

  2. Ian Bogost

    As far as I can tell, the picture is entirely fictional. We never encountered such an empty vending machine, at least not so far I remember. She tells me it was an invention. Lovely no?

  3. Frank Lantz

    The universe is crowded with descriptions of emptiness but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one this sweet.

  4. Robert Jackson

    This isn’t very Latourian.

    Sorry reading too much Harman again.

  5. Yann Leroux

    sounds very kleinian to me (-: