Stuff White People Like

Straight Outa Canada

This week I was in Canada, which is the country immediately north of America (“the States” for the rest of you). I like to read the newspapers delivered to my hotel room when traveling, so I inhaled today’s issue of the Globe and Mail, which is a national coverage paper in that country. Among the many things I learned about… read more

Reading Online Sucks

Reflections on scholarly writing on the web

Or more subtly: reading online isn’t the same as reading on paper, yet we continue to treat the web as a distribution tool rather than as a medium with its own material constraints, both suited and unsuited to certain kinds of content. I’ve been thinking about this recently after I started reading a lot more scholarly writing online. Let me… read more

Chumby and the Rhetoric of Openness

Small, cute, insidious

Note: Chumby representative Andrew “Bunnie” Huang has replied to this thread, and I have in turn replied to his response with more questions. I encourage you to read through all the comments for more detail. Finally, I should point out that I am not an attorney and nothing herein should be considered legal advice. Chumby is a WiFi-connected microcomputer that… read more

Listen to Me on NPR

Talk of the Nation segment, "New Video Games Entertain and Educate"

Yesterday I was on NPR’s Talk of the Nation, discussing games about political and social issues. Here’s their blurb: Today’s video games are moving beyond violence and sports. New games provide chances to play middle-east peacemaker or solve problems regarding immigration or food safety. Ian Bogost, creator of these games, discusses why he makes games that go beyond entertainment to… read more

Wiiâ??s Revolution is in the Past

On the potential to release new games for old consoles via Wii's Virtual Console. From my "Persuasive Games" column at Gamasutra.

Now that Nintendoâ??s Wii has finally hit the streets, we can really start assessing its potential impact on the future of video games in general, and serious games in particular. With all the fuss after Nintendoâ??s announcement of the consoleâ??s official name six months ago, itâ??s easy to forget that the company promised nothing less than a â??Revolutionâ? â?? the… read more