A Slow Year has gone to the printer at long last. I thought I’d share the jacket art. I’ve shown the illustration here before, but not the cover. This is the jacket for the standard edition, which will be available in trade paperback with software for Windows and Mac. The limited edition with Atari cartridge will be different, of course, and I’ll share that when I have it.

I’ll have some prototype books of the game with me at Indiecade next week, although those were based on an earlier design.

published September 29, 2010


  1. Tim Morton

    This looks great. Have you written on the machined haiku part here?

    The cover is rather wonderfully new-agey.

  2. Ian Bogost

    Tim, I talked about the machined haiku in a presentation at the Game Developers Conference, and I’ll do so again this week at the Indiecade festival, but the main writing about the process is actually in the book itself, which should ship later this month.