I’m spending this week and the start of next putting the final touches on the limited editions of A Slow Year. This involves a lot of trimming and glueing, as I’m attaching images and plaques to their final homes on books and boxes. It’s hard to explain how good it feels to trim and glue paper instead of writing emails or even code.
The normal edition of the game has been available since October, but it’s taken until now to finish the signed, numbered editions, but I think the extra time will have been worth it. I checked my records, and the very first line of code for A Slow Year was written almost exactly three years ago. That’s a slow year indeed, I suppose.
I’ll share better images of the final product next week, but for now, here’s a preview of the boxes as well as the book covers, which I just finished up today. There’s also the cartridge, of course, but you’ll have to wait to see that.