As you may remember, I brought my Atari out to GDC for the Independent Game Festival. It’s been having an unusual time indeed during its travels, and I believe it hasn’t seen this much excitement in some 33 years.

Here are some highlights:

In the Delta SkyClub

Stowed under the seat in front of me

At the baggage carousel

In the taxi

Resting from its journey

Preparing for its day

published March 10, 2010


  1. Erik

    I love the pic of the Atari VCS “resting from its journey”.

  2. Jose Zagal

    It didn’t get its own seat on the plane? Shame on you! 😉

  3. anxiousmodernman

    -Here is is having a drink at the hotel bar.

    -Here it is chatting to an attractive but obviously disinterested Commodore 64.