It’s hard to believe, but tomorrow will mark the fifth time Ian McCarthy and I will execute our Bloomsday on Twitter performance “Twittering Rocks.” (For more information, read here and here.)

New this year: thanks to @francophony, you can follow all 50+ Ulysses characters via this convenient list.

When we first started doing this in 2007, Twitter was still a somewhat sleepy little corner of the web, mostly populated by tech folk and weirdos. Now it’s less so. In fact, there’s been quite a lot of new interest in Bloomsday activities on Twitter, including 11ysses, a collaborative retelling of the novel on the service.

When Bloomsday passes each year I always tell myself that I’ll upgrade the Twittering Rocks software, increase the quality of the data, and make the system more generic, turning it into a sort of Wandering Rocks API. I also always ponder sharing it more formally with the James Joyce research community. But then another year passes, and I never seem to do either one. The sea, the snotgreen sea, the scrotumtightening sea…

Don’t forget: Wandering Rocks takes place between 3 and 4pm Dublin time, which is 5 hours ahead of US Eastern time this time of year. We actually start just around 2:55, just to ease into things.

published June 15, 2011


  1. Miguel

    Awesome. I never log into my twitter,but I’ll make sure to check this out. On a separate subject, I just wrote this blog post on the claims that The Sims makes about contemporary consumer culture. You were a big inspiration so I’ll post a link in case you want to check it out.

  2. dmf

    pardon the threadjack but thought this might be of interest: