We take our jack-o-lanterns very seriously at my house. It’s a challenge of skill, wit, and patience. One year, for example, I had to make a Harry Potter Dark Mark.

This year, Abbey got the idea for a Jack McCoy-o-Lantern. You know, featuring Sam Waterston. From Law & Order. Here he is, glowing of gourd just outside my front door.

And here are the more traditional, sensible jack-o-lanterns (jacks-o-lantern?) I made, just so you don’t get the wrong idea.

published October 23, 2007


  1. gus

    Nice! You have, I assume, seen Law and Order: Artistic Intent?


    check out the video montage, it’s great criticism!

  2. Ian Bogost

    Yup, sure have. It’s great isn’t it?

  3. Ben Sawyer

    That’s it now I’m convinced you don’t sleep.