There are many good things about Georgia Tech, but coffee is not one of them. On campus, after 3pm, it’s almost impossible to find coffee. I find this utterly baffling.

My seminar this term meets 2-5pm Wednesdays. We take a break around 3:30. The coffee stand in the student center closes at 4, so this hasn’t been a problem before. Today we took our break a bit later, around 3:40, and the stand was closed already (?).

The remaining restaurant was open, but served no coffee.

The commons cafeteria was open, and had vats of coffee, but it was cold.

The Dunkin’ Donuts just past the commons cashiers was closed.

The only remaining source of caffeine in the vicinity would be at Jazzman’s cafe in the library, but by that time the break was over. I bought a Coke.

When I was in school, coffee could be had at all hours. It was a necessity. I don’t know how my students cope.

published March 17, 2010


  1. Mark N.

    With the 21st-century student increasingly likely to have a pocket full of prescription stimulants of one form or another, who needs coffee?

  2. anxiousmodernman

    I always wanted a little coffee with my prescription stimulants.

  3. anxiousmodernman

    By the way, someone should point this atrocity out to high school students visiting the campus.

  4. Aaron Lanterman

    It’s more of a hike, but I often go to the coffee stand in the Architecture building. I think it’s usually open until 5.

  5. cybrhippy

    What is wrong w/ cold coffee?

  6. Robert Cooper

    In my day, I walked up hill both ways to drink that horrible vendo-coffee from the Rich Building.

  7. Mark Sample

    I’m dumbfounded to hear about the lack of afternoon caffeine at Georgia Tech. You can’t swing a dead cat at Mason’s campus without hitting a coffee shop, coffee cart, or even a coffee vending machine.