Here’s the Cow Clicker cow displayed enormously across the culture section of the Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden’s main newspaper. There’s something tantalizing and disturbing about seeing the cow on newsprint.


The article it accompanies can be read online, although it’s in Swedish.

published January 17, 2011


  1. Ben Abraham

    It’s like seeing an animal out of its natural habitat… odd.

  2. Martin

    So that we don’t get any more “facts” about Sweden wrong I’d like to point out that Svenska Dagbladet is just one of many large Swedish newspapers.

    Now, if you excuse me, I have to go shoo away a polar bear from my porch. 🙂

  3. Ian Bogost

    Ah good, the Swedish culture police are still reading the blog.

    Martin’s right tho, it’s purportedly the third largest by circulation.

    All of this is less important than the fact that they printed an enormous cow across the page.