I wasn’t entirely prepared for the runaway success of Cow Clicker after it’s release last week Indeed in the near future, I might pose the question of what counts as “success” for such a work. In the meantime, here’s a quick rundown of a few of the more lively discussions about the game that might interest some of you:

If you’re not playing, then you’ve also missed the launch of Cow Clicker merchandise, which I shamefully hock below. As I wrote on the game’s swag page: Everybody knows that people don’t buy art. They buy t-shirts. So buy some of this crap.

published July 26, 2010


  1. Sergey

    Hi Ian!

    I have dropped you an email yesterday, I would like to port the Cow Clicker to the Russian most popular social network vkontakte.ru to make it international 😉

    Is it possible?



  2. Clayton Hughes

    That mug is extremely tempting. I want to reward your clever mockery of mindless money-grabbing “social” games, but I find it… difficult, considering the message of the game.

  3. Casey2

    This isn’t anywhere near shameful enough merch. I want to buy my 3yr old son a CowClicker top and matching lunchbox!