Just a quick note to let you know that our book Newsgames: Journalism at Play is now available on Kindle. The price is $9.99.
Its been interesting to see the increase in demand for my books on Kindle. I’ve had a fair number of relatively anxious requests about when this one would be available digitally. Something readers might not know: even though Amazon posts those snarky notices that read “Tell the publisher you want to read this book on Kindle,” it’s just as likely that the publisher already has submitted the book, but that Amazon has not yet processed it. That was the case for Newsgames, which MIT had thought would be available on Kindle by the end of October.
Adam Vandenberg
Having received a Kindle for Christmas, is there any reason why you would recommend the print version over the Kindle version for this book? Ie, large detailed diagrams?
If not, it will likely be the first non-free book loaded up on there.
Ian Bogost
Adam, I haven’t seen the book yet on Kindle, but apart from a few detailed figures, I don’t think you’ll find any problems. I’ll see if I can get a copy to confirm, although I only have the small Kindle.