The Object-Oriented Ontology Symposium went off without a hitch today. All of the talks were excellent, as was the discussion. In addition to local attendees from Georgia Tech, Emory, and state of Georgia institutions, we also welcomed out-of-towners from Florida, North Carolina, New York, Maryland, and more. The talks and questions were recorded, and we’ll get them online as soon as we can process them.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that this will mark an important moment in the development of this branch of “American continental” philosophy. For one part, it was the first time Harman, Bryant, Shaviro, and I all met in person (we had all variously met one another, but hadn’t ever been in the same place before). But for another part, it was the first time OOO enjoyed an entire day of sustained attention, before insiders and outsiders alike.

Many thanks to Graham, Levi, and Steven for preparing great talks, and for everyone else for attending.

published April 24, 2010


  1. anxiousmodernman

    Said it elsewhere but I’ll say it here, a big thank you to Ian Bogost for helping to organize and host. It’s so exciting to see these discussions evolve.