I’m happy to announce that we’ll be hosting the first Object-Oriented Ontology Symposium at Georgia Tech, on Friday April 23, 2010. Speakers include myself, Levi Bryant, Graham Harman, and Steven Shaviro, with respondents from the local Atlanta area: my Georgia Tech colleagues Hugh Crawford, Carl DiSalvo, and Eugene Thacker, and John Johnston from Emory. I’m really looking forward to it.
I invite you to visit the website for the conference at http://ooo.gatech.edu, where you’ll also find a visual version of a Latour Litanizer, and soon a full program and other announcements. If you’d like updates, be sure to sign up for the conference mailing list too.
Sorry to post this here, where it doesn’t belong, but the “Let Me Know” link on the RSS aggregator page is broken, and I wanted to request an addition to that aggregator, viz. the We Have Never Been Blogging blog at http://wehaveneverbeenblogging.blogspot.com/
Seems more than relevant to me, (and then I wouldn’t miss any more posts there when, as I do everyday, I consult the live bookmark I’ve set for your aggregator).
Thanks, and again sorry for posting this here.
Ian Bogost
Thanks Shane. I fixed the link, added WHNBB, and also remedied an error that was preventing Planomenology from showing up in the feed.
It actually does belong here, since readers of this post might not know about my speculative realism aggregator.
Thanks, Ian.
On the actual topic of this post, I really wish I were around your neck of the woods in April, looks like it’ll be a great conference.
And (slowly drifting away from the topic at hand again), I don’t want to seem pushy, but I was wondering if you had reconsidered releasing the Alien Phenomenology paper you gave last year. I know it’s work in progress, but it seems like such a promising approach (again thinking selfishly, in terms of my dissertation that’s quickly coming to an end), and surely you would profit from discussion too, no? On the other hand, I respect your decision if decide not to…
Thanks again for the great blog.