It’s a very busy week. I just got back from a quick trip to Los Angeles, and now I’m making the final preparations for the Object-Oriented Ontology Symposium this Friday at Georgia Tech. I hope to see you there.

Despite some very reasonable concerns about the volcanic ash mess disrupting his travel, I see that Graham Harman’s flight has successfully left Cairo in route for the states. So all should proceed as planned.

Ok, enough with blogging; I’m going back to finish work on my talk.

published April 20, 2010


  1. Graham Harman

    But it wasn’t the easiest flight from Cairo to New York! See here:

  2. Fabio

    Ian, maybe you already answered this question somewhere else, but can we Europeans expect a complete audio-visual coverage of the event to pop up on the website a few weeks from now?

  3. Ian Bogost

    Fabio, the sessions will be recorded (audio) and will go online as soon as we can muster.