If you follow the speculative realism blogs you know this already, but many readers here who don’t might be interested in this anyway: the first issue of the new journal Speculations has been released. The mission: “a journal of speculative realism that hopes to provide a forum for the exploration of speculative realism and post-continental philosophy.”
Paul Ennis is the one to thank for the concept and the editorial, and Thomas Gokey has done a truly amazing and unique job designing and laying out the journal for a number of formats, including web, print, and electronic formats.
The first issue includes articles by Fabio Gironi, Ben Woodard, and Michael Austin, interviews by Peter Gratton (I’m one of them), position papers by Nathan Coombs and Christopher Vitale (with Harman’s response to Coombs’s), and book reviews of Deleuze/Guattari & Ecology, The Ecological Thought, After the Postsecular and the Postmodern, and Religion.
Incidentally, if you prefer the print-on-demand edition, you can get 15% off by using the coupon code NEWREAD305 at Lulu.com.