Speaking of the Atari VCS, Georgia Tech colleague David Terraso pointed out to me that the cover art for the third season DVD release of The Venture Bros. is styled after an original Atari game box. (Venture Bros. is one of the animated shows in Adult Swim on Cartoon Network.) The results are impressively styled indeed:

I like how the game variant number was retained, although I think it would have been better used to denote the number of discs or episodes in the set rather than the season number. It also looks as though the box has even been faux-weathered from so many decades in attic storage; a nice touch.

Oh, and if you prefer high definition, the set is also available in Blu-Ray. the box is, not surprisingly, blue instead of orange.

published February 27, 2009


  1. Jef

    Very Cool! I remember those old boxes and the Venture Brothers Rule!