Alien Phenomenology

Abstract for my SLSA plenary

The Society for Science Literature and the Arts annual conference is about to start up here in Atlanta. The program is online, and the SLSA folks have updated it with the abstract for my Friday evening plenary. I thought I’d reproduce it here for those of you who are interested in such things. In recent years, a small cadre of… read more

Pretty Girls for Nixon

An image and a story on a theme, circa 1972

Feb. 21, 1972, Mao’s residence, the first meeting between Nixon and Mao, as arranged by Kissinger. Nixon: I have read the chairman’s poems and speeches, and I knew he was a professional philosopher. (The Chinese laugh.) Mao (looking at Kissinger): He is a doctor of philosophy? Nixon: He is a doctor of brains. Mao: What about asking him to be… read more

Atari Hacks and Demakes

My Spring 2010 seminar

Some of you might be interested in this, the course description for my Spring 2010 graduate seminar/studio course, LCC 8823 Special Topics in Game Design and Analysis: The Atari Video Computer System: Hacks and Demakes In this intensive seminar, we will explore every aspect of the Atari VCS (2600), the most important early home videogame console. Based on a critical-technical… read more

If You Follow Me…

Twitter and Subtlety

In June 2007, Ian McCarthy and I started performing Wandering Rocks on Twitter each Bloomsday. My original explanation of our project began with the phrase “I do not like Twitter.” I hadn’t realized it until today, but back in June (almost exactly two years after our first effort), my name appeared on a list of 100 Educators to Follow on… read more

Rise, Crossover

Learning from the jazz pop instrumental

I seem to wind up in the car for at least part of the early afternoon every Saturday. As a result, I’ve developed a habit of listening to the reruns of America’s Top 40 with Casey Kasem that play on satellite radio channel 70s on 7. This week’s chart was from thirty years ago exactly, October 29, 1979. The number… read more

Things I Did Instead of Blogging

The miscellany of autumn

I’ve been a bit of a mess this week, as I’m finishing up the Newsgames book with my two graduate students and preparing my keynote for SLSA the week after next. Fortunately, interesting things have gone on without me. As I previously mentioned, on Monday, we hosted a colloquium on “how to think about narrative and interactivity,” featuring Espen Aarseth,… read more

Now You Can Burn My Books

Thoughts on Kindle and electronic editions

Apparently my publisher has started issuing Kindle editions of my books. Two are now available in Amazon’s electronic format: Persuasive Games and Unit Operations. Readers might be interested to find that MIT Press seems to have taken up a different strategy with their electronic book pricing. Specifically, the Kindle editions do not necessarily cost less than the print books. To… read more

How to Think About Narrative and Interactivity

A colloquium with Espen Aarseth, Fox Harrell, and Janet Murray

The School of Literature Communication and Culture at Georgia Tech is hosting what is sure to be a great colloquium next week, “How to Think About Narrative and Interactivity.” It will be held 4:30-6pm on Tuesday October 20th in the Skiles building on campus (map), room 002 on the ground floor. The colloquium will feature the following speakers and topics,… read more

Art on Spec

Thoughts on Kickstarter

A relatively new service called Kickstarter, which describes itself as a funding platform for artists. Writers, filmmakers, musicians, and other creators can post projects to the site with attached budgets, which visitors can fund via pledges. If the budget is met within the specified time, the project gets funded. Otherwise, all funds are returned to the patrons, like a challenge… read more

Disney: We Own the Concept of the Castle

Fun with Infringement

Almost a year ago, I wrote about my modest success selling t-shirt designs on that artfully depict the Disney World monorail announcer’s characteristic Por favor manténgase alejado de las puertas. In that piece, I also drew attention to the ways products like this exert fandom by commercially exploiting holes in a property owner’s own productization of itself. What I… read more