She is beautiful, and I love her

New Yorker parodies the New York Times

This is already a month old, but I’m just seeing it now: the New Yorker ran a set of satirical New York Times videogame reviews, in response to the Seth Schiesel fawn over The Beatles: Rock Band (to which I responded strongly, in case you forgot). My favorites: A princess has been kidnapped. Her name is Zelda, she is beautiful,… read more

Object-Oriented Ontogeny

Kids and Objects

Just to assure everyone that the torch will be passed to the younger generation, behold the following. My seven year-old has been working on analogies in her schooling, and she recently took the opportunity to affirm the wonder of the world of objects. She reads: “Happy is to sad as ____ is to ____.” She thinks. Then writes: “Happy is… read more

Material Permanence

Or, atoms are more memorable than bits

I read this article about alternatives to paper business cards yesterday. It mostly covers electronic alternatives to business cards, from social networking sites like LinkedIn to iPhone apps like Bump. It made me think of when I first met Jouni Mannonen, a Finnish game entrepreneur. We met at the 2003 Game Developers Conference, in the unrivaled San Jose Fairmont hotel… read more

The Ribs of Reform

Politics and Slow Cooking

There’s been a surge of discussion in the past couple days about the relationship between object-oriented ontology and politics. For one part, Levi Bryant responded to Reid Kane’s concerns about what he perceived to be the “absent political dimensions” and “neoliberal alliances” of OOO and Actor-Network Theory. A liveley discussion ensued, and Levi followed up with some thoughts on the… read more

Presentation Software Sucks

Here are some features that would make it better.

I do a lot of presentations. They come in various forms: class lectures, conference papers, keynote talks, corporate presentations, and business pitches, to name a few. Often I use slides and visuals in these talks, and I do so in various ways. In my class lectures I try to use slides as a way to reinforce the key ideas from the… read more

Hegemony and Salad Shooters

Cultural Studies, Politics, and Realism

If you’re the kind of person who is the subject of Michael Bérubé’s scathing critique of cultural studies in last week’s Chronicle of Higher Education, then you’ve probably read it already. To summarize via citation, Bérubé argued that the impact of cultural studies “has the carbon footprint of a unicorn,” and yet nobody within the field notices or cares. If… read more

Speculative Realism Aggregator

All your blogs are belong to us

Of the many exciting aspects of speculative realism and object-oriented ontology, one of them is the movement’s strong presence online, especially through blogs. I realized that I’ve been having a hard time keeping up with all the SR-related blogs, so I created an aggregator that slurps them up, labels them, and puts them all in one convenient place. Since this… read more

Peanuts, by Charles Bukowski

Schroeder played the piano and all of the girls loved him.

I’m not a big fan of fanfic, but I am quite enamored of appropriations of pop culture that shed surprising new light on their source material. For some time, my favorite example of this sort of thing has been Garfield Minus Garfield. By removing the titular cat from each comic strip, Dan Walsh exposed “the existential angst of a certain… read more

Super Bogost Land

My Videogame Cameo

Federico Fasce’s games consultancy Urustar makes videogames for use in communication strategies. As a part of their launch, they have created Urustar – The Game, which you can play from their website. I seem to appear, in pixel form, in the game’s opening. I think it’s a good likeness. As you’ll see if you play through, another, more well-known character… read more

Little Black Sambo

On the aftermath of an accidental racial slur in Scribblenauts. From my "Persuasive Games" column at Gamasutra.

The distinctive feature of 5th Cell’s critically-acclaimed Nintendo DS game Scribblenauts is its enormous dictionary of terms, any of which can be written to summon objects to solve puzzles in the game. Just about anything you might want to write, from “acai berry” to “zygote,” gets transformed into a functional object. With well over twenty thousand words represented, some are… read more