A New Philosophy for the 21st Century

Briggle and Frodeman in the Chronicle

Adam Briggle and Robert Frodeman have written an excellent article for the Chronicle, A New Philosophy for the 21st Century. A stupid subscription is required, frustratingly, so let me excerpt some of the good bits for you here [update: here’s a PDF]: It is time to reclaim the public role of philosophy. This does not mean rejecting rigor. By venturing… read more

Philosophy of Computer Games

Call for Papers - in Athens!

It’s not often that I get to address both my philosopher friends and my game friends at once, but this is such a case. The Philosophy of Computer Games has released a call for papers for the 2011 conference, which will take place April 6-11 in Athens, Greece. I’m on the program committee this year, and I had a fantastic… read more

Philosophy and Simulation

DeLanda on Computation

Apparently Manuel DeLanda has a new book on philosophy and computer simulations. It’s titled Philosophy & Simulation: The Emergence of Synthetic Reason, and is scheduled for release in spring 2011. Here’s the blurb: In his new book, the internationally renowned Manuel DeLanda provides a remarkably clear philosophical overview of the rapidly growing field of computer simulations. In this groundbreaking new… read more

Philosophy Book Guy

I would like to return your quote-unquote Critique

Peter Gratton’s letter to a a student, and Graham Harman’s response to it, reminded me of an observation I’ve wanted to share about academic discourse in general. There’s a fictional character from The Simpsons known as Comic Book Guy. Offering sarcastic quips about his “favorite” comics and television shows (often including The Simpsons itself), he epitomizes the nerd-pedant who nitpicks… read more

Philosophy, Emergence, and Simulation

Manuel DeLanda's New Book

Graham Harman mentions Manuel DeLanda’s new book, which boasts a title that should intrigue anyone reading this website: Philosophy, Emergence and Simulation. Here’s a three-minute video of DeLanda talking about it a bit more. It sounds like the book is mostly about animal intelligence, with the connection to simulation having to do with the way different intelligence other than the… read more

The Subversive Genius of Extremely Slow Email

Every day, the mail still comes. My postal carrier drives her proud van onto the street and then climbs each stoop by foot. The service remains essential, but not as a communications channel. I receive ads and bills, mostly, and the occasional newspaper clipping from my mom. For talking to people, I use email and text and social networking. The… read more

Put Words Between Buns

Hey, I made you a tool to put words between buns.

It occurred to me one summer day: It’s really nice when word are typeset between buns. I remarked upon this fact on social media: The specimens in that tweet were hand-crafted, of course. It’s easy enough to do in software like Adobe Illustrator, but time consuming too. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why so few sets of words find… read more

All Followers Are Fake Followers

A New York Times exposé of a “black market” for online fame diagnoses the symptom of social-media despair, but misses its cause.

In the summer of 2015, the game designer Bennett Foddy and I were sloshing down cocktails while waiting for prime dry-aged rib-eye steaks in Midtown Manhattan. We weren’t living large, exactly, but we did pause to assess our rising professional fortunes. Among them, both of us seemed to be blowing up on Twitter. “Where did all these followers come from?”… read more

Play Anything

The Pleasure of Limits, the Uses of Boredom, and the Secret of Games

This book is available in print, ebook, and audiobook formats. Buy on Amazon How filling life with play—whether soccer or lawn mowing, counting sheep or tossing Angry Birds—forges a new path for creativity and joy in our impatient age. Life is no game. It’s demanding, boring, and rarely fun. But what if we’ve got games wrong? Playing anything—whether an instrument,… read more

Video Games Are Better Without Characters

The real legacy of SimCity is its attempt—and failure—to make complex systems the protagonists instead of people.

In the mid-1980s, the easiest way to check out the latest computer games was to go to a bookstore in the mall. Past the John Grisham and the bargain history books in the B. Dalton Bookseller, you’d find Software Etc., a small island of boxes amidst bound volumes, and a few computers on which to play the latest releases. It… read more