My kids just delivered some hand-made get-well cards. I was instructed to deliver them to Galen, the main character in the Wizard 3000 videogame series, a series of my kids’ invention which is not only fictional but fictionally fictional. Pop culture being what it is, Hollywood has started to make films based on the Wizard 3000 (fictionally speaking, that is). It seems the kids had just (fictionally) taken their plush creatures to see one of these movies, and it was reported that the plush toys have a hard time telling the difference between fiction and reality. Thus, traumatized by whatever Galen’s fate turned out to be in the film they just “saw,” said creatures were (fictionally) inspired to craft the (real) get-well cards for Galen.

So. The real (fictional) animals, having fictionally seen a fictional film based on a fictional videogame, fictionally wrote real get-well cards for the fictional character they (the real, fictional animals) fictionally regarded as real, rather than fictional.

published August 19, 2012


  1. alanc230

    This is waaaaaay too meta for me.

  2. Ted Hand

    Kids always understand these things better than parents, who can only struggle to theorize.